Unpopular opinion: I hate summer. To me, the only exciting thing about summer is that the spring semester is done. Everything about it is miserable and if I could get rid of any season – summer would be gone so fast.
“But Jericha, you’re from Hawai’i, how can you hate summer?”
Honestly, the fact that I spent 14 years there and ran away to Boston literally explains my distaste for all types of heat. I know for a fact that I am not the only person who hates summer.
Here are the basic reasons why summer is the absolute worst:
Anyone with hair knows the frustration of humidity!!! How can summer be the best season if your hair instantly explodes the minute you step out of the house? I don’t know about the rest of you but the effort it takes to style hair and then add a million products? Just to make sure it stays in place? No, it’s way too much to make it worth it. Everyone and their “beachy waves” look like they just woke up out of a bird’s nest.
2. Sweating.
You cannot do anything in the summer. Anytime you move, your body just says no and you produce 10,000 gallons of sweat. It’s honestly so gross. You can’t even lay on the couch all day and watch TV because you sweat and start sticking to it. I’d appreciate it if classes started at the end of September just so I could avoid the 90 million degree heat of Boston. The only way to avoid this summer heat is through the beauty of air conditioning.
3. Existential crises.
Unless you’re one of those people who plans things a million light years in advance, there is absolutely nothing to do in summer. You’re just aimlessly wandering around, working, trying to hang out with your high school friends you like, avoiding the people you don’t, and dying to get back to campus to hang out with your regular friends. The summer gossip is just simply not exciting. More importantly, I’d say about 85% of the “What am I doing with my life” crises happen in the summer when I have too much free time to think.
4. Shaving.
Winter is 2000% better than summer based on this alone. The amount of time and effort it takes to shave all of your body hair is just ridiculous and EXPENSIVE. You have to pay for razors? And shaving cream? It’s all a scam. Shaving in high school and wearing shorts was cute when I had the time to do it. Now it’s a game of how long I can go without my armpit and leg hair being noticeable.
5. Sand. Gets. Everywhere.
All anyone talks about is how beaches are gorgeous, the wonderful heat, how nice the water is, sunsets, bikinis, blah blah blah. But no one mentions how annoying sand is. It’s crushed rocks and sticks everywhere. I don’t know about everyone else, but the rare times I’ve ever decided to go to the beach, I will come back with buckets of sand in my car and every crevice of my body, even if I rinsed off everything.
As much as I love iced coffee and starry nights, summer totally is not for me. The best part of summer is when it ends and I can finally sleep at night without my AC at 64 degrees. So while everyone else is enjoying their summer bikinis, I’ll be here impatiently waiting for the cool autumn breeze. Also, who needs summer bikinis when fall offers a much wider wardrobe selection?
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