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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

There are different reasons why someone would overload. Perhaps you have a lot of pre-reqs and want to get them done as soon as possible. Maybe you’re interested in a few classes and don’t want to wait another semester to take them. Or, you’re excited and ready for a challenge.

Regardless of the reason, you have to make sure you’re fully prepared for a rigorous course load.


1. Plan Out Your Schedule

This seems like the most obvious step, but the execution isn’t as easy as you might think. Make sure all the classes you would like to take don’t have prerequisites, or if they do, that you’ve already taken them or are in the process of taking them. You don’t want any surprises when planning out your schedule, especially if your goal is to graduate in 4 years.


2. Keep a Planner

Keeping track of all of your classes and homework will make your life a heck of a lot easier. Planners help you stay organized and prevent you from getting overwhelmed. They can also help you get a holistic picture of any extra time you have when you’re not in class and what that time should be allocated to. Another good idea is to make a daily To-Do list to stay on top of things that need to be done for the day. Good time management skills are a must if you want maintain a good GPA and overload!


3. Make Time for Yourself

I cannot stress this enough. If you’re constantly doing homework late and not getting enough sleep then your life is gonna miserable. College is not only about learning, but it’s also a time to explore yourself and your interests. If your schedule isn’t too crazy, allow yourself one day per week or a few hours a day where you can de-stress. This can be anything you like to do, from hanging out with friends or staying in and watching Netflix. It’s important to keep your sanity through this process!


There will definitely be some bumps along the road. There will be times were you feel like dropping a class or two because the workload becomes too much; the type of classes you’re overloading on are a factor too. Your mental and physical health always comes first, so if you feel as if you can’t handle the responsibility, then consult your academic advisor about what’s realistic and achievable for you.

However, if you plan to stick it out, the return on overloading is worth it. You may even graduate earlier!


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Niya Doyle is a sophomore at Boston University studying Public Relations and minoring in International Relations. Her hobbies include advocating for civic engagement among young people, writing poetry, and waiting for the new Animal Crossing game to come out.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.