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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Maya is a sophomore at Bucknell with an International Relations major and Woman & Gender Studies and Art History minors. She is beloved by all her friends here and has some amazing things to share about her time at Bucknell so far. The campus would not be the same (or as cute) without her!


Kendall Robertson: What is your favorite part about Bucknell?

Maya Wadhwa: I think my favorite part of Bucknell has to be the people. As cliche as that sounds, I really think that every student here is not only genuinely friendly but also extremely motivated. Every person is involved on campus, whether it be through research, clubs or greek life, etc, and I truly think that everyone is so easy to talk to and wants to get to know you. 

KR: What is your favorite place to be at Bucknell?

MW: My favorite place to be at Bucknell––yes, this is specific––is the second floor of the Bertrand Library in the back behind the arch. This is my absolute favorite place to study as it looks out into Academic East and Academic West, as well as the beautiful fall foliage. 

KR: What is your favorite place to eat in Lewisburg?

MW: My favorite place to eat changes, but as of right now it has to be Siam. I am obsessed with the tofu pad thai. 

KR: What is one thing you miss from last year?

MW: One thing I miss is the soup station from the cafeteria, as I would often eat both kinds of soup for lunch and dinner. 

KR: What is your favorite activity to do at Bucknell?

MW: My favorite activity is definitely the workout classes here. Although there is less than there was last year, they are still super fun and motivating. 

KR: What is your favorite class you’ve taken?

MW: My favorite class has to be Banned Books (ENLS 101) with Jeremy Chow. I took the first semester of my first year, and we read super cool texts like Harry Potter and Fun Home (which was a comic book). Not only did I meet some of my closest friends through that class, but it truly gave me a foundation for how to write in college. 

KR: What is your favorite season at Bucknell?

MW: Fall! The colors here––especially if you go on hikes––are absolutely amazing. 

KR: What is one of your most memorable moments here? 

MW: Probably coming back to campus this year. Although wearing masks and social distancing definitely is a change, it was amazing to see how happy and excited everyone was to be back on campus at Bucknell. 

KR: What is your Flyson order?

MW: I never actually order from Flyson, but if I had to pick, it would be the nacho tots.

KR: Describe Bucknell in 3 words:

MW: Active, inclusive, inviting.

Kendall is from central NJ and is a strong lover of a bacon, egg, and cheese on a sunny Sunday morning.