It’s getting to that time of year when people are asking you what your summer plans are. Perhaps this involves working a summer job, conducting research on campus, travelling, studying abroad, or just hanging around your parent’s house. For many, however, this includes an internship that preferably involves more than just getting coffee. In order to do this, there is the dreaded application and interview process. Though it can seem daunting, with a little preparation and organizing, the experience can be much more relaxed. Here are a couple of tricks to help you save the stress for schoolwork and get the job.
Keep it Organized
Just like the college process – some people are further away from it than others – deadlines are everything, and they tend to sneak up faster than we think. Having a list of internships that also includes when things are due, applications are turned in, and interviews have been scheduled will help you sleep better and keep you from missing deadlines.
Practice Phone Skills
Our generation is known for having terrible communication skills on the phone. Because many internships request interviews on the phone, having the ability to carry a solid conversation will go a long way. By utilizing public speaking skills and possibly practicing what you’re going to say, you’ll prevent the dreaded pit in your stomach from coming when the phone does ring from your prospective employer.
Get Someone Else to Edit
Because resumes are often the same, they can usually be looked over once. However, before submitting anything, make sure to have a parent look over it (as well as a basic cover letter). Also make sure to double-check everything at least once before submitting. This saves you from the heartbreaking moment of realizing that you just sent an email with a typo (especially in the subject line of the email).
Be Open to Outcomes
When it comes to “the dream internship,” things can come together in the most unlikely of circumstances. This involves taking up a family friend’s offer to apply for an internship they are offering, or throwing your resume into the hat for a position at a place where you’ve always dreamed of working – you never know! Using Bucknell networking is also extremely effective – BU was recently ranked #12 in best alumni connections.
Keep it Clean
Not only does this include language as given, but it also includes social media. Many employers not only search for you on the Internet, but now, they’ll even ask you straight up for your information (especially in the creative/marketing field). Cut out Twitter for cursing and keep in mind that everything you put up all the time is more of a reflection of your own personal brand – more people lose jobs over social media than you think. No one wants to lose their offer because of an unfortunate Super Sat picture that circulated.
Just a couple of last minute thoughts and advice on the matter from experts, and good luck!
“Pay attention to the details—nothing makes me throw away a resume faster than glaring spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. Putting care into how you present yourself shows that you want and deserve to be noticed.”
– Sarah Swidron, HealthCare Data Solutions
“I often hear ‘I’m the perfect match for your internship.’ Really? How do you know? It takes time for everyone to figure that out. Few internships will truly speak to your skills/goals/passions, but they’re out there. Connect with companies early so you have the time to learn if it’s truly “the perfect match.” Be curious, get to know the people behind the company, and be more selective than anyone else in the process.”– Anna Lewis, Viget