March is the month dedicated to a fun Irish holiday that revolves around a leprechaun and, of course, my birthday. It’s a time when Pisces queens finally have their moment in the spotlight.
Who are we fooling here?
If you know a Pisces, then you know that the previous sentence is entirely false. We always know how to find the spotlight. Regardless, this year I turn 20 years old which, personally, I think is a pretty monumental moment in my life.
As my birthday approaches and I enter a new decade, I would consider myself a wise individual. With that being said, I’ve learned many lessons during my 19 years on earth.
Here are the top three:
- You’re right where you’re supposed to be.
When I was a kid, I always remember thinking, “I can’t wait to be a teenager.” I’ve constantly thought about the future. What career I will have, when I will get married, what I’ll eat for dinner. Well, maybe not so much the last one, but with growth, I’m understanding the importance of the “now.” By this, I mean taking time to do fun things, appreciate the people in my life more, and enjoy every day, whether it is good or bad. I don’t want to look back at being a teenager 10 years from now and say “I wish I would have been more present back then.”
- It’s okay to ask for help.
Having more independence as a teenager is an essential part of growing up. Things like driving and moving out are all so new and exciting. After being independent for so long, I sometimes feel like there’s more pressure to figure everything out by yourself. This is far from the truth. As you grow up, it’s so important to ask for help when you are struggling. It’s not a sign of failure. It’s a sign of growth and maturity.
- You should be your #1 priority.
Validation is something many of us seek as we enter adulthood. We want to feel accepted and loved from others, so, oftentimes, we aren’t showing that acceptance and love to ourselves first. Luckily, I’ve never felt like I had to please someone else in order to feel good about myself. From an early age, I understood the value of self-love and how it will help me be a better friend or partner in future relationships. If you feel like you aren’t putting yourself first, the only option is to start doing so. If you’re not doing something for the benefit of your mind, body, or spirit, then there’s no use in doing it.
With these and so many other lessons I’ve learned, I’m looking forward to another decade of my life. This one’s going to be interesting.
Your twenties are where everything falls into place…right?