Major: International RelationsClass Year: 2016Hometown: Washington, DC
1. What is one thing that people probably do not know about you?
People tend to assume that I’ve always been so confident and proud, but I’ve struggled a lot growing up in DC for being seen as “different” or “weird.”Â
2. If you could leave any legacy at Bucknell, what would it be?
I’ve done pretty well here at Bucknell socially and academically. But in terms of being social on campus, I appreciate all those who’ve welcomed me into their circles, but I really want future Bucknellians to be accepting to all students – not just students who dress well or party a lot or have a lot of friends. I developed tough skin before I came to Bucknell, so the select few who have disapproved of me have been irrelevant to my experience here. That cannot be said for many other students who represent minorities on campus be it racial minorities or sexuality; and in many cases they have not been able to cope with or tolerate the foolery and ignorance of some people on this campus. I hope I’ve shown Bucknell and its students that being different shouldn’t be a problem.
3. Who is your fashion icon, and when did you become passionate about fashion?
Well for one, I’ve never been passionate about fashion. I have however been passionate about NOT looking crazy in public. A lot of the clothes that I wear are to make statements about breaking the boundaries of clothing being strictly for men or for women. My fashion inspiration is my Mamma, so naturally a lot of my clothes are traditionally made for women. But so what! Men’s clothes are boring and tend to lack personalities. Except when it comes to suits! Professional wear for me is usually pretty masculine.Â
4. What impact did studying abroad in Europe for a whole year have on you?
I realized that I love people! Everything about the differences in cultures, traditions, food, and arts are so fascinating to me. I can’t say that abroad made me any different but I can say that my worldly perspective has expanded and I’ve come to realize that I will have a life both in America and abroad.Â
5. What do you hope to do after you graduate Bucknell?
Well, I’ve secured a job in NYC so that’s first on my list. I do plan to travel and go back to school.Â
Quick Questions:
Snapchat or Instagram? Instagram of course.Stacy’s Mom or Jessie’s Girl? I just looked these songs up because I had no idea what they were. Stacy’s Mom for the win!Favorite food you tried abroad? Carmelized foie gras in the southwest region of France.I never leave my room without my……. A big smile and a bad b**** attitude.