Feeling Washed Up?
I am a senior girl. According to Urban Dictionary, this makes me a SWUG: Senior Washed-Up Girl. Even their example describing the word makes me cringe: I texted two sophomore guys and got rejected by both, but I don’t even care because I have a bottle of wine and my $150 vibrator–I LOVE SWUG LIFE. So, this might be true for some of us out there. It might even be true for me. But is being a SWUG really that bad? Let’s examine…
Pro: The bouncers at Bull Run know us by name and ID.
Con: Is that because we go so often, or because we lose our IDs so often?
Pro: We can be so enamored by a bottle of wine and an episode of Revenge on a Sunday night that we don’t care about the sophomore—okay, freshman—boy that rejected us the night before.
Con: We are so enamored by a bottle of wine and an episode of Revenge on a Sunday night that we forget to care about the freshman boy that rejected us the night before.
Pro: You still get texts from boys!
Con: Do dads and brothers count?
Pro: You go out with no expectations regarding boys.
Con: …because those expectations disappeared after your first night back in August.
Pro: You get the most out of every night when you’re always the last one at the party…
Con: …because you haven’t gone home with anyone.
Pro: You have really fun, creative and long pre-games.
Con: You have more fun at the pre-game than at the party.
Pro: You get creative with senior girl parties. Beer Pong tourney? Text or Shot? Male Strippers?
Con: Male strippers in central Pennsylvania? I’d rather not think about the demographic of middle-aged suburban housewives who are watching subscribe to this type of entertainment.
Every year at Bucknell brings some new trials and tribulations for its students, but being a SWUG isn’t as bad as the term coins us to be. We spend actual, meaningful time with boys. We don’t try to impress anyone, and we do what we want, without regret. And we have fun for the sake of having fun. Enjoy the SWUG life, girls, because next year, wherever you end up, you’re back to being fresh meat, and I can almost guarantee that you will miss your SWUG time.