On March 24th, around 500,000 people are expected to gather in Washington for the “March for Our Lives,” a rally organized by survivors from the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The purpose of this rally is to take a stand against mass shootings, and to reform gun laws (The Washington Post). In the wake of the events on February 14th, students from Parkland make it clear that they aren’t going to just sit around and wait for someone to take action. Instead, they are taking matters into their own hands, and are proving to the world that kids have the ability to create revolutionary change.
The weekend following the shooting, survivor Emma Gonzalez, (who currently has more twitter followers than the NRA) gave a powerful speech in which she challenged politicians, and questioned why effective gun laws have not yet been passed. Gonzalez, along with other students from Stoneman Douglas High School, even spoke directly to lawmakers during CNN’s town hall on gun violence. During this town hall, Junior Samantha Grady asked Rep. Ted Deutch what he would do to prevent this tragedy from occurring again. Grady was not only shot herself, but actually witnessed her best friend die in front of her.
Despite being so young, and despite it being so soon after the traumatic event, these students are able to stand up in front of thousands to voice their concerns. These teenagers are an inspiration to other teens and adults alike. They teach the lesson that age doesn’t matter. Being young does not take away your voice and your rights. The students from Stoneman Douglas High School have a much higher understanding of the consequences of gun violence than any adult politician. The rally on March 24th in DC and in other major cities is for anyone who believes that schools should be a safe place to learn—not a place to fear for your life.