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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buff State chapter.

Graduation day is right around the corner! And although we all still have to suffer through finals week, that doesn’t mean that all hope is lost! As graduation approaches, there are some super fun things to look forward to – like picking out your perfect dress for the ceremony and my personal favorite,…. Cap decorating! So grab your best friends and head over to the craft store to stock up on glitter, things in your school colors, and start thinking of some of your favorite quotes!

Your cap can be something super sweet and personal or something funny, like a quote from your favorite movie or TV show! The options are literally endless! So we took to Pinterest to find some of the best and here are some of our favorites!

1. The Classic Monogram & Thanks

2. Movie Quotes


3. TV Quotes

4. Humor


Let us know some of your ideas for graduation caps! And let the count down to commencement begin!


Katlyn McNamara is a senior at Buffalo State College. She studies Public Relations and runs for their Cross Country and Track & Field team. With a big background in theatre her dream job is to move out to LA and be an actress. Before heading out to LA she would like to be a performer at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. Along the way she would like to create her own non-profit organization to help animals as well as anyone in need. She has a passion for blogging and social media and has her own YouTube Channel. Fun facts about Katlyn: her nickname is Kat, her rolemodel is Lauren Conrad, guilty pleasure tv show is the House Wives and her favorite season is Autumn.