Lately I have been hanging out with a new girl I met in my history class and I think I like her. Now, I have never felt this way about a female before and I do not know how I should feel. She is funny, smart, kind, everything I look for in a guy I find in her. She is not into girls so I do not want to freak her out and tell her how I feel and break up the friendship. Yet, I think of her constantly and the question is always nagging at me, do I really like her? What should I do? I am so confused; help!
-Confused gal
“Girl Crush” on is defined as:
“an overwhelming sense of awe felt by a girl for another girl elicited by varying causes ranging from deep respect to unadulterated lust. may result in the any or all of the following: general euphoria, prolonged sense of inspiration, desire for intellectual-intercouse with crush, simple sexual arousal, etc”
Well, for starters I would examine the friendship you have now, is she trustworthy? Judgmental? These factors will help you to see if you should tell her.  It is normal to feel this way towards the same sex at one point or another. All humans do it so do not be ashamed of feeling this way. Yes, she may not feel the same way for you, but look at the bond you have built and think of how much stronger you two can be as friends. Try to think if you actually have feelings for her or just an infatuation. If it’s true feelings, talk to another close friend of yours and get his or her perspective and see what would be right for you. If you think it’s infatuation, let it go, no point in telling her how you feel if you’re still not sure how you feel. Above all, remember to just be honest; if she stops being your friend because of this, she was never worth keeping as a friend in the first place.
Good luck!