Lewis’s Quote to Live by: “Live for today because tomorrow isn’t promised”
Lewis Sepulveda will soon be leaving Buffalo State College in the next week and leaving a presence that will be hard to fill. Lewis is a Theater major with a minor in Public Communication. Lewis is the President of Buffalo State’s art and literary magazine, The Lens. When asked about The Lens, Lewis stated, “I learned how to accomplish everything from writing agendas to running a successful event and everything in between. I was so lucky to have an amazing e-board that helped every step of the way. I believe that they taught me how to communicate better and how to think outside the box.” Lewis also participates in AEL (Adelante Estudiantes Latinos) which encourages Latinos to express their cultural identity and pursue higher learning.
Lewis finds time to help with local community work such as St. Vincent De Paul’s Soup Kitchen, which Lewis says, “Taught me to become humble and appreciative for the things I have. I have learned that everything is a privilege and giving back to the community is vital in making the world a better place for all of us.”
As Lewis ventures out of Buffalo State into the real world, he knows what he wants for himself stating, “I want to be in Hollywood! To live my dream of being a successful and professional actor and own my own production company.” Lewis has plenty of experience behind him including a starring role in last spring’s ballet production of Fantastic Voyage: Earth, Wind, & Fire and most recently writing and directing Their Story, Your Story, Our Story, a piece depicting American teenagers in today’s society through music, poetry, and spoken word.
Lewis will continue to strive for excellence in all that he accomplishes throughout his life. We at Her Campus know that Lewis is a celebrity in his own right and soon the rest of the world will know too.