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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

I love traveling, I mean who doesn’t? Traveling and packing go hand in hand and I will be the first to admit I used to be horrendous at packing. If I could fit my whole life into a fifty pound suitcase, trust me, I would. Some people love to pack and some people hate it so I have some packing tips that can help everyone, and yes especially the ones who pack hours before their flight. (crazies)


The first tip is a given but so important, make a list! When I say make a list I mean make a traveling list 2 weeks before the trip. You are more than likely to forget things the first time you write your list so making it early in advance allows you to tweak it or add things you may have forgotten. Not only does this help ensure you have everything you need but it also relieves any stress that packing may bring.


Second, pick out and try on outfits before hand. This sounds self explanatory but 16 year old me would just throw a ton of shirts and pants into my suitcase, call it a day, and then I would get to my destination and realize nothing matched or looked good together.


Third tip I have is to pack your heaviest items on your carry on. I love bringing all these cute boots, heels, jackets, you name it I most likely packed it, but for the most part they can be very heavy. Almost every airline has a weight limit for luggage, so wearing or putting those heavy shoes and jackets can help prevent any fees and also clears up a lot of space in your main suitcase!


Roll don’t fold! I have heard this tip for awhile now but never listened to it until recently (I am a stubborn person). I always thought folding my clothes would ensure they wouldn’t wrinkle and that I could fit way more clothes, but boy was I wrong. Rolling my clothes allows for so much more space, especially with pants and I can assure you that your clothes will be more likely to wrinkle when folding instead of rolling.


Fifth tip is to know all the airline baggage-fee policies. Some airlines can be tricky when it comes to hidden fees. They have weight requirements as well as suitcase size and number requirements. Doing research beforehand can potentially save you a lot of money especially when traveling outside of the country!


Packin is pivotal. Once you forget something it can leave you in a disarray and spending money in a new place! Vacation is meant to be something fun and sometimes packing can get in the way of that so hopefully these few tips can ease the anxiety of packing!

Hi! My names Victoria! I’m in the intended Nursing program at the University at Buffalo currently. A little about myself is I’m a bubbly, dog loving, Disney freak, who loves baking (I TRY to be healthy). I’m a member of Alpha Sigma Tau and now currently write for HerCampus here at UB :)