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dance scene from In The Heights
dance scene from In The Heights
Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

For my entire life I dreamed of being a famous dancer. While other career ideas came and went, that was the one that stayed constant. I would always say “I wanna be a dancer and…a hair dresser, school teacher, anthropologist…”. To this day, it is still what I say, but now its time for it to be reality.

As we grow up we always look to the future but I think once we are in the future, we forget about our dreams. And yes, sometimes dreams are just dreams, but other times they are still our goal. So…I am here to say, THE TIME IS NOW! You are at the age and place in your life that you wanted to be at for that dream to happen, so do it. Like you literally have to get up and do it yourself. You don’t have to do it all but you need to make the first step, however small or big that is.

For me, that is saying to myself after an almost two year break that I want to be professional dancer. It’s getting my body back to movement and signing up for more classes and programs. These are my baby steps. The most important part of following you dreams is trying and doing.

Shoot for the stars girlfriend!!

Neyda is a 4th year communications major at UB who loves all things performing arts, food, and plants!