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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

I have had my own small business making lip gloss and scrubs since 2019. I started as a way to make money while in college and eventually fell in love with the creativity. Over the past few years I picked up on some tips and tricks to help everyone out there who may be thinking of starting their own business and doesn’t know where to start. For those who would like to see what my account is like I have attached both my Instagram and Website!



Don’t Be Afraid to Spam Your Feed

You should have some kind of social media page for your business, I recommend Instagram. Whether you are just starting or have been around for a while , spamming your story with polls, questions, posts, etc. is a great way to let your followers know your business is still up and running. Even if you take a break for awhile, always make sure your followers/customers know what’s going on so they don’t unfollow, since it’s already hard to maintain a following on your own.

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@deuxmoi, Canva

Make a Website

I know it may seem like a lot, but it’s actually pretty easy once you find out what you want your site to look like. Having a website makes it easier for people to access what you are selling and be more likely to buy from you versus having to send you a message. Plus it’s easier for you too. All you would have to do is fulfill the orders made on your site. Here are some websites I think are new user friendly:

  1. Big Cartel


  • Free website for up to 5 products
  • Only $10 a month for up to 50 products
  • Easily customized
  • App available on phone

2. Shopify


  • Comes with a free trial to test out if you like it
  • Easy payments for customers
  • Visually Appealing
  • 24/7 Marketing help
  • Is a little pricey, so this could be something you move to eventually

3. Etsy


  • Costs on 20 cents per listing for up to four months then you can renew
  • On a known platform
  • Paid promotions to get your items noticed
  • Don’t have to set up reviews, website formation, etc.


Tell everyone you know that you have a small business! Make business cards, make it your fun fact at introductions. Also, when business slows down, don’t give up. It happens! Especially depending on what you sell, you have to consider how often people will come back to buy more.

If You want any more advice or have questions feel free to dm me on my ig linked at the top!

Natalie is a junior at the University at Buffalo studying psychology and education. She likes to touch on mental health and matters that don't get as much attention as they should and hopes to use this platform to do so. She is also a small business owner!