Going home for the summer is great. There’s no stress of constant tests, studying and schoolwork. You sit and bake in the sun and get to spend time with your family who you are away from most of the year. By the end of the semester we are barely making it through finals and begging to go home. The thought of summer sounds like the sweetest thing, but what we overlook is going home means kissing our entire freedom goodbye and leaving our college friends. We are used to seeing them everyday and then all of a sudden we go months not seeing them AT ALL.
It’s back to living with our families and our friends are no longer right next-door anymore. Your friends become your family in college. You eat almost every meal with them, see them everyday, study with them, laugh and cry with them. Not being able to wake up a door over from your roomies to talk about all the crazy things you did the night before is depressing. The separation anxiety will be REAL this summer. I can only hope that they will come and visit me.