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10 Reasons Men Drive us Crazy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.


Women drive men crazy. I know that, my friends know that, my boyfriend certainly knows that.   However, men you aren’t so innocent.  We love you, but sometimes we want to strangle you. (Hypothetically speaking of course) Here are ten reasons you annoy us too.

1)Saying “I don’t care.”

I know this could easily go both ways, especially in the early stages of a relationship. However, nothing gets accomplished when you are saying those three words. Women want a man, and majority of women would like an answer from you. We ask you questions for an answer, not further confusion.

2)Waiting till the last minute to get ready.

You know you need to be ready by 8pm, why are you jumping in the shower at 7:50pm? 

3)Sports first, your girlfriend second.

We realize you are going to want to watch the game with your friends. If that game is more important than our anniversary or a date that was already planned, well that’s a problem and a BIG annoyance.  We want to feel like we are the most important person to you and by choosing a game over a date night already in the works is extremely damaging.  If you choose your girlfriend over a game good for you! At dinner though, please don’t be on the ESPN Score Center app or keep looking at the TV.

4)Taking her for granted

Assuming that she is already yours for the long haul is insulting. We don’t assume that you are always going to be around.  We try to look good for you all the time and expect the same from you.  This includes shaving, gym trips, dressing up just for us and random acts of kindness.  Women are naturally scared of losing someone they really care about and try everything possible to not lose you.  Please, don’t assume we won’t leave your ass.

5)Leaving the toilet seat up.

 Listen. This is my apartment, not yours. Put that seat down!

6)Speaking of our future vaguely

If you are just starting a new relationship, please for the love of god, DON’T talk about the future. If you have been together for a long time, the future of your relationship will be brought up.  If Christmas just ended and we say something like “oh, I already can’t wait to see what you are going to get me next year!”  Don’t freak out. Everyone likes to feel secure, talking about the future of our relationship or being with you in general makes us feel that way.  We are not stupid; we realize that we may break up at any moment. If we didn’t then there would have been no need for number four.

7)Replying to everyone, but your girlfriend. 

If your girl wrote on your facebook wall, tweeted you, or texted you and you reply immediately to everyone else and not her, you are in trouble.  We are your girlfriend, that doesn’t mean you get to ignore us.  

8)Taking your electronics to the bathroom.

Why is the bathroom some sort of magical land? You take forever in there as it is; please don’t take your laptop, iPad, or smartphone with you!

9)Thinking you can’t cry.

“Omg, David’s great grandma passed away and he cried at her funeral. I have to break up with him.” Yeah, that sounds realistic. It’s okay to cry. Whoever started this “real men don’t cry,” crap I would love to meet.

10)Not listening.  The key to keeping a girl is to listen to her, remember what she said and looking at her.  If we are talking to you please listen and respond. The last thing you want us to think is that you haven’t been paying attention to us.  Eye contact can take you far. 

I am a CMU student majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Journalism. I have a interest in hair and make up. I'm very opinonated and I dont pick sides. When I am not working or doing homework, I like to go out and take in the college experience. (Go Chips!) I'm a country girl at heart with a dream to look out my window to a view of tall buildings and city lights. IHope you like my posts! Follow me @CassandraWolf
Laura Szatkowski is a senior at Central Michigan University graduating in December, 2012. She is majoring in Integrative Public Relations with a minor in English. Laura has had numerous internships in a wide variety of industries throughout college. Laura is passionate about all things PR and social media related and is looking forward to traveling and working outside of Michigan after graduation.