Need some help not pulling your hair out at those every-day social media annoyances? Take a deep breath and check out some of these proactive ways to let go of what might be driving you crazy every day on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
1. Taking selfies
Listen up, annoyed people. Let that guy or girl show off their good hair or outfit day. Give it a “like” and move on with your day. If that doesn’t help, think of it this way: They are either taking that selfie because they are having a stroke of confidence or because they are experiencing the exact opposite and need some reassurance that they are still visually appreciated. Either way, build a bridge and get over it! Selfies aren’t the end of the world. Â
2. Over-tweeting
We’ve all been there, scrolling through our feed and seeing the same name over and over and…over again. If you’re not feeling bold enough to hit the unfollow button, try testing out Twitter’s new “mute” feature and hide that frustrating over-tweeters.
3. Posting obnoxiously long statuses
Bite your tongue and keep scrolling, people. Nobody’s making you read that diary entry of a status, and let’s be honest — do you really think you’re missing much? The moms of Facebook got it covered on giving that person an equally long response in a comment.
4. People who acknowledge every holiday/birthday through social media
Does your grandma even have an Instagram to see that birthday wish? Maybe…but what about your dog? Does he actually care that you’re honoring him on national pet day? When it comes to this social media annoyance, just know you’re not alone. Roll your eyes if you must, but refrain from losing your mind. For most of us this social media trend makes very little sense.
5. People who take photo challenges
Ok, these people are essentially just like you. One day they decided they were bored with the same-old social media trends and decided to change it up by trying a seemingly-exciting photo challenge. Take it from a veteran of this: the minute you start the 30 day Instagram trend, you regret it. It doesn’t take long to realize that even your closest friends could really care less…
6. Participating in man crush Monday or woman crush Wednesday
Plaster a smile on your face and be happy for the love birds out there. One day you’ll be drooling over some guy or girl (if you haven’t already been that person) and it’ll be your followers turn to deal with your social media relationship-flaunting.
7. Posting sloppy drunk pics
The only thing you should be feeling towards people who make this common social media mistake is bad. The choice to post a drunken picture on any site will only haunt them…not you. So hold off on talking smack about these types of people with your friends- they’ll be regretting their decision to post that picture enough for the both of you in the morning.
8. Subtweeting
Whether you know who they are talking about or not, the only person who looks ridiculous in this scenario is the one who chooses to be passive aggressive on social media. It makes no sense, so don’t waste your time getting irritated with the people who choose to do this unfortunate social media trend.  It’s usually an impulse decision on their part, regretted (or deleted altogether) later in the day.
9. Fitness-journey pics
Let’s just hope that one day these people realize that their attempts at being “thin-spirational” on social media are really only motivating us to reach for that third piece of pizza to go with our third consecutive season of Gossip Girl.
10. Hashtag crazy
But seriously…who started this and where can I find them? There’s not much to say when it comes to containing your annoyance with this social media habit. Just know if you’re reading this and you’d consider yourself guilty you need to limit your hashtags to a minimum of three from now on. Or two. But you know what? We all pretty much got the point after just one.