Being “too sensitive”
If you actually think you’re going to find a girl who doesn’t have a sensitive bone in her body, you’re in for a rude awakening. Wake up! Sensitivity is NOT a bad thing and girls have absolutely NO reason to apologize for it.
Occasionally using the word “dude”
It’s a word. You say it, why can’t I? EXCEPTION: the only exception to this is if you refer to your man as “dude” more often than you use his actual name.
Not ALWAYS looking 100% presentable
There’s nothing wrong with occasionally going to your man’s house in a hoodie and sweats. NO, that doesn’t mean we’re becoming lazy and no longer care about looking good for you. It means we’re comfortable enough to be our “I woke up like dis” selves. Embrace it. If you don’t, we’ll go find ourselves a Drake-type that PREFERS us in sweat pants, hair tied, chillin’ with no makeup on.
Eating more (or more often) than him
Nobody should shame you about how much you eat-especially not your man. Don’t feel bad about eating more often/more amounts of food than him. As long as you have etiquette and know how to properly use a napkin and eat at an appropriate pace, don’t be afraid of that second serving EVEN when he’s finished after the first.
Looking super cute on a night out (WITHOUT him!)
Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean he’s the only one you can look hot for. Self-confidence comes from within, so don’t hesitiate to wear that super cute outfit out when he’s not around. There’s a difference between looking good for YOURSELF and looking good for the attention of OTHERS.
Spending “too much” time with your girls
OK- Let’s get something clear. When men sign up for a relationship they should WANT you to value time with the girls. If your free time revolves around ONLY seeing the boyfriend…you’re probably in desperate need of a friendship intervention. Independence should be something your man admires about you, not scolds you for.
Drooling over hot male celebrities
This is circumstantial. If you’re the type of girl who gets annoyed with your man drooling over Blake Lively and Kate Upton-STOP. Both people in the relationship should be allowed to admire all the hotties Hollywood has to offer from a far.
Expecting simple chivalry
Guys who get annoyed with girls for expecting them to at least hold open a door are NOT acceptable. Don’t lower your expectations so that you aren’t getting the most basic respect you deserve. The times have changed-but not that much. Chivalry is only DEAD to the girls who let their boyfriends convince them it is.
Reading into silly things
If you REALLY think about it, it’s almost thoughtful that we consider ALL the things you might have meant in that seemingly straight forward text. We’re not just taking it for what it is, we’re taking it for what it could mean, what it should mean, what it will mean…etc. As long as it’s kept under control, this really isn’t something we should be apologizing to our men for. All women are bound to do it at some point.
Hoping for “random acts of cuteness”
Not letting this expectation get TOO out of hand (i.e. expecting some version of Chuck Bass), there’s nothing wrong with wanting your guy to occasionally surprise you with a cute text or a random bouquet of flowers “just because.”
Getting offended over something HE didn’t find insulting
Everyone has the right to their own feelings, even if women are more sensitive to certain things than guys are. Never let a man tell you that your hurt feelings are unreasonable. You feel the way you feel, and (usually) your boyfriend isn’t purposely trying to upset you-that doesn’t mean he didn’t. So if anything, expect an “I-really-didn’t-mean-to but-I’m-sorry-that-I-offended-you” apology. It’s not something just girls should expect-guys should receive the same respect from you!