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20 Things I’d Tell My Middle School Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

1. For the love of God, please stop pulling your cami down that far.


2.Trust me, just go with jeans. Leggings under the skirt is not doing you any favors.




4. You don’t see it, but that side part is looking more like a come over. Take it down a notch, sister.


5. Stop straightening the curly out of your hair. A) you don’t know what you’re doing, B)you missed a huge chunk in the back, and C) you’ll miss the curls when you’re older.


6. Your mom knows more about life than you think. Trust her advice.


7. Throw away your eyeliner — NOW.


8. You are not going to marry your middle school boyfriend. That’s not even a thing.


9. Your parents know you have a MySpace account. You’re not fooling anyone.


10.   I know you were trying to be deep and mysterious with that AIM away message, but it didn’t work.


11.   Please don’t mess with Facebook (statuses, especially) until you’re at least 18. Please.


12.   You’re going to be laughing at that dramatic playlist on your iPod in a few years.


13.   Middle school electives are irrelevant. You’re not deciding your life path when you choose choir, band, or art.


14.   Stop wasting your mother’s hard-earned paycheck at Hollister for 2 shirts and 1 pair of jeans.


15.   Embrace the coolness of a high school football game because the minute you’re in high school it’s significantly less cool.


16.   That awkward gut and impossible double chin won’t last forever.


17.   When someone introduces you to popping your first zits: DON’T. DO. IT.


18.   Pretty soon, summer won’t feel like an eternity. In fact, you’ll spend it working and kissing your social life goodbye.  


19.   Weird friends are the best friends.


20.  You’re 12, which means you’re in for quite few more confusing years. Come back and talk to me when you’re crying to T-Swift’s “Fifteen” and I’ll explain a few different life lessons.

Junior at Central Michigan University studying public relations and advertising. Lover of writing. Fire up!