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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

For most college students, St. Patrick’s Day has become more enticing than Tailgates, Christmas and New Years Eve combined.  This celebratory day allows for a day filled with no limits.  Where you can be as outrageous and explicit as you want with little head turns your way.  For those who have yet to experience a CMU St. Patrick’s Day, here is what you should know to prepare yourself.  This will be my 4th year at CMU celebrating my Irish heritage and the hour by hour activities always seem to outdo itself from the year before.


7 AM – The Wake Up Call. Everyone has that friend who wakes you up too early with Irish music that’s playing way too loudly.  Although you secretly want to slap them as they jump on your bed taunting with every word, you know the early rise will be worth it.


8 AM – Breakfast of Champions.  Before any shenanigans begin, round up your friends and indulge in a big breakfast with some mimosas and Bloody Marys.


9 AM — LET’S DO THIS.  Move from mimosas (aka, a bottle of champagne with a splash of orange juice) to beer bongs and shot skis.  For some, it is always a rough start to begin morning drinking.  The right music to get you in the party mood can make all the difference. 

10 AM – 3 PM — ???? This 5 hour stretch will most likely consist of running around Main Street, invading parties, making new “best friends,” and a lot of drunken binge eating.  Let it happen.  This is a rare day and anything goes.

3 PM – 5 PM – You Made It! You most likely just woke up from a drunken nap, hopefully you wake up in your house or at least a friend’s.  You should be perfectly rested and ready for PART 2 of this fabulous day.


5 PM — find your way home and scramble together all miscellaneous alcohol.


6 PM – Food Round 2: take out. Order pizzas, Mennas, Jimmy John’s, or Pixie.  It’s important to fill your stomach so you can make it out for the night.  Let’s be real, drunken you is starving and will hunt down someone for a Hot ‘N Ready.


7 PM — Round 2 Pre Game.  Get those spirits back up and ready for the night ahead.  If not, you will have at least 10 friends forcing alcohol down your throat and shoving you out the door to the next party.


8 PM1 AM – ???? Run around a bit, make some more new friends, dance and celebrate the wonderful Irish for this fantastic day of booze filled fun.


March 18th, 1 PM — Wake up with the worst hangover you’ve had in months and the biggest smile on your face.  Congrats, you had a great St. Patty’s day.



Photogaphy by Andrew Coutts

Annie is a junior at Central Michigan University from Plymouth, Mi.  She is majoring in Integrative Public Relations with a minor in Leadership.  Annie is an active member in her sorority Phi Sigma Sigma holding numerous positions within the chapter.  She has a love for travel, food and pets and looks forward to an internship abroad Summer 2013.  Annie loves writing for Her Campus and cannot wait to see this chapter grow to be such a great success! :)