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28 Things I Learned While Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.


Studying abroad is becoming an experience more and more college studends are taking part in. While yes, it can be expensive, you’re already spending thousands of dollars on classes that bore you to tears. You probably won’t remember Chapter 8 in your Statistics class, but you will remember some of the wisdom you gained while traveling the world. Find some GenEd’s you can take abroad, you’re already going ot have to dish out some money on them, you may as well make them enjoyable. Here are some of the basic things you wil learn when studying abroad:

1. PSA: Studying abroad will force you into poverty. However, traveling will forever be the richest way you can go broke. 

2. You will have a new appreciation for free bathrooms. Europe has this strange belief that humans can hold their waste for exceptional lengths of times.

3. Bring a 2 liter bottle of water everywhere, otherwise you will be stuck paying 2.40 for a 0.33L glass of water.

4. Your motto for your whole trip: “It’s five o’clock somewhere”.

5. Whatever you do, DO NOT plug your hair appliances in your adaptor. Melted plastic is an interesting smell.6. A seperate adaptor for your cell phone is neccesary. 7. Spend a day grasping the transportation system in your city. At 4am on a Saturday night, you’ll be glad you know your way around.8. Make friends with the people in your hostel. Many people are from all over the world, traveling alone and looking for an adventure. Take advantage of the opportunity to make new international friends.9. Don’t be scared, but don’t be stupid. Take risks, but don’t put your life at risk. Everyone loves a good story, just make sure you know you’ll be able to stick around to tell the story.10. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Studying abroad is hard, especially you’re alone. The first night you will lay awake and wonder what you got yourself into, but then time passes and you build roots with your host family, roommates, friends, and the city and country you’re in. Do and try things you normally wouldn’t. Push yourself to gain as much knowledge as you can and a new perspective of what it’s like from a different cultures point of view.11. Invest in walkie talkies, because there is no such thing as free WI-FI.12. If by some miracle you find WI-FI, do NOT spend the whole time on your phone. Our generation spends too much time documenting moments than enjoying them. Detatch yourself from social media to meet the people in your program and really experience your temporary home. Your time abroad is limited, enjoy every second of it.13. Turn your electronics off when flying. I repeat, TURN THEM OFF. The plane won’t crash, but your computer might.14. Walk everywhere you can. Your pictures are better, and let’s be honest, its probably the only excersise you’ll have time for.

15. Invest in comfy walking shoes! Your feet will thank you.

16. Biggest lie: “Hot & Spicy” salsa. My reccomendation for your cravings: make your own!

17. Don’t obsess about your diet. You’ll be home soon, and you’ll be back to eating boring salad and stale bread. So eat the damn chocolate croissant with macaroons after you finish a whole pizza.

18. Forewarning: there are no such things as dryers.

19. Beer is always cheaper than water.20. Remember to take days off. Traveling and experiencing a new culture can be exhausting, it’s okay to take a break.21. European men stare when they find you attractive. AKA, see some eye candy? Feel no shame eye-fucking him.22. Coffee lovers rejoice! All Starbucks employees are guarenteed to speak English fluently. 23. Put experiencing the Berlin Fanmeile on your bucket list. Especially when Germany is versing your home country.24. You will meet amazing people that you will have to say goodbye too sooner than expected. Remember to keep in touch, and make plans to reunite after graduation. Be thankful to have met them.25. GermanWings Blind Booking is the greatest invention. Ever. Just do it.26. Traveling by bus is the cheapest way to tour a country!27. When returning to the US, don’t take advantage of the opportunities you have at home. People all over the world would do anything to have the same privliges and opportunities you do. Always work hard and aim high, and be proud to live here.28. Once you visit europe once, you’ll go again. You’ll fall in love with the culture and the way of life. If you haven’t visited europe: Explore. Dream. Discover.