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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

The school year has officially started and even though we are only three weeks in, it is very easy to feel overwhelmed.  Whether it is with school, organizations you are a part of, your personal life or everything combined. Stress can be a dangerous thing; it can affect your mental and physical health and make your college experience not enjoyable. You just have to remember to breathe and know everything works out in the end. But if you need more convincing, there are many ways to not let stress get the best of you. 

1.     Get Organized

This is a very important step. When you are feeling overwhelmed the best thing to do is make a list and figure out everything that needs to be done.  Then, you can slowly start to check things off. Once you are able to look at everything that needs to be done and know you aren’t forgetting anything, things will start to fall into place. Also, start your assignments early and make sure you keep up with your readings; it will be too hard to catch up. You will feel so much better if you are always on track. 

2.     Exercise

There are a ton of options when it comes to working out around campus and it is such a great way to relieve stress. Go to the SAC, sign up for a fitness class, or run around campus.  It is a great thing to with friends, especially if you had a busy day. Another great way to exercise and have some fun is to play ‘Just Dance’ with your roommates.  Take a walk after dinner, anything that helps you forget about everything that needs to be done and just relax. Just get yourself moving, I promise you will feel better afterword. 

3.     Call your Parents/ Talk to a Friend

Talking to someone is one of the best ways to vent when you take on a lot as a college student.  Your friends and family members want to be there for you and just hearing a loved one’s voice can evaporate stress.

4.     Make sure you get enough sleep

Sleep is extremely important and is normally something we put on the back burner while in college.  From late nights to early mornings to trying to have a social life, it can all get a little overwhelming.  But you really should try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night, that way you will be refreshed to take on your busy schedules. 

5.     Laugh

I can’t tell you how important this is.  No matter what is going on in your life, you should always make some time for you to enjoy yourself.  It is the only way to keep sane.  Laughing will release endorphins and automatically make you happier. So look up jokes, make silly faces in the mirror…anything that will let everyone hear your glorious laugh. 


Alex Puzzolo is a junior at Central Michigan University. She is majoring in Integrative Public Relations and minoring in Leadership. She is an active member in her sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma, by holding Executive Board positions. Alex is a Co-founder of the Central Michigan University chapter of Her Campus. She is from Mundelein, IL and loves to travel. She has been to multiple countries and just recently completed an internship in Ireland. An interesting fact about Alex is that she has worked in a jewelery store for the past two years and is certified member of the Gemology Institute of America.