October is Breast Cancer awareness month; an annual campaign that increases awareness of the disease. Even though all of us have heard about breast cancer, it isn’t always on our mind unless we have been directly affected by it. Everyone should be aware of breast cancer and know the necessary steps to try to prevent it. Women aren’t the only gender that can be affected by breast cancer, so we all should take precautions.
There are many things you can do to look for early warning signs.  You should always perform monthly breast self-exams. You should note if you feel a lump or if your breast looks different than normal. Always be sure to talk to a healthcare professional if you see anything unusual, as well as a yearly check up.
You should be aware of the myths of breast cancer. The most common myth is that people think finding a lump means you have breast cancer. This is false, only a small percentage turn out to be cancerous, but lumps should never be ignored, always have a doctor look at it. Another myth is if your family member had breast cancer then you likely will, as well. False. Most people who get breast cancer have no family history and only 10% that do get breast cancer have family history. Lastly, breast cancer is contagious. That is also false. Breast cancer is a result of uncontrolled cell growth that spread and there is no way it could be transferred.
You should always take precautions in consideration to breast cancer.  Practice healthy lifestyle habits to reduce your risks. These include maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption and eat fruits and vegetables. By doing all of these things and focusing on an early detection plan, you will have a great chance of staying healthy.
There are ways you can get involved and helping this cause. Â By donating even a small amount of money, you can help support the research on how to find a cure or help someone that is suffering with this disease. Fundraising at your university to raise money for the cause is another way to help spread awareness.Volunterring your time to the cause is another way to help and get involved. For those who are really passionate about this cause, you can go above and beyond and become a sponsor. This means you will partner with the organization to continue to provide information and valuable services to people around the world. Â
I know we are college students and normally don’t have the time or money to really help all the causes that we would like to but there are other ways to help give to the cause. Hungry Howie’s is partnering with the breast cancer campaign to raise money.  For every Hungry Howie’s pizza that is purchased in October, they will donate $1 to the breast cancer foundation.  They stick to their slogan; “love, hope, and pizza”. So do something small to help the cause, as well as taking precautions to keep yourself healthy. October is breast cancer awareness month, let’s make it count!Â