Name, Major, Job/Internship, hobbies:
Designer: Chloe Scudder
– Majoring in Apparel Design and Merchandising with a minor in Art
– First job in New York City starting in June – Assistant Designer for AerieÂ
– Hobbies consist of Sketching, sewing, painting, music, traveling, friends
What are you involved in on campus?
FAMD (4yrs) Threads (2) Work as a Lab Assistant
Why do you like to participate in this show?
The creative outlet – It is an amazing student run production that allows our program to really apply everything we work so hard towards and see it come to life. It is a lot of work outside of everything classes’ demand- but it is so rewarding. It really allows us as designers to express and challenge ourselves. The dedication, teamwork, communication, cooperation, and involvement of everyone are a great thing to experience.
How are you inspired to make their designs?
With the theme this year being movies – it was a challenge to pull from something that could be taken so literal and create designs that were new and innovative. Overall, I was inspired by the intensity of the movie Dark Knight, and the characters personalities. I wanted to create a collection that you wouldn’t necessarily look at and directly see the movie itself, but would create a unique, strong look that pulled from theme. Taking the idea of it and really pushing myself to create the unexpected was my goal this year with my collection.
What are you most looking forward to from this show?
Overall from the show this year, I am excited see everyone’s collection and how they’ve portrayed each movie. There are so many ways to go about designing for this theme, and each designer has a very different aesthetic. It will definitely be a great show, with a lot of diverse, amazing collections. Its the day we all work so hard towards, and its exciting to share it with everyone.
How time consuming is it participating in this show, what is required of you?
Threads teach you more than a lot of our classes will ever- it’s finally applying everything you’ve learned. Time management is so crucial with any type of show and however much time you give yourself- will unfortunately never be enough. Designers are never satisfied and new ideas are always thought up. As a designer, you pull from your inspiration and theme and then determine how many looks you’re doing- this year I’m doing 5, and then we begin the sketching process. After that designers are to flat pattern or drape their own patterns to use in developing each look, which are then all constructed by each designer individually. We are also responsible for finding models, deciding hair and makeup, attending fundraising events, participating in other events/meetings- all while being full time students. It is hell usually from Feb through April. But I would recommend it to anyone to experience it – There is a lot to gain from it all, and it really lets you experience a great production!