Hometown: Mt. Pleasant, MI
Age: 23
Major: Marketing and Logistics with a concetration of Professional Sales, minor in Real Estate and Finance
Relationship Status: Single
If you were stranded on an island what are three things you would bring?
Hunting riffle, Kate Upton, and the Bible
Boxers or Briefs?
Where is your favorite place to hang out on campus?
Blondes or Brunettes?
Doesn’t care
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Shooting off comerical fireworks in my fraternity house bedroom
What qualities do you admire in the opposite sex?
Goofy, weird, athletic and future oriented
What is your favorite movie:
Social Network and Walstreet 1
Any awesome or hidden talents:
Photographic memory
What is your ideal or dream date?
Being guess passed in toRobinson caf or the RfoC
Who is your Hollywood crush?
Meghan Markle