The Girl We Wish We Were Friends With: 10 (Legit) Reasons to Love Beyoncé
By:Kelsey Houghtlin
We all grew up wanting to be a star of some kind. We used our living rooms as stages, the showerhead as a spotlight, and the hairbrush as the microphone. When we were old enough to realize we didn’t have the talent to be Disney’s next prodigy, we became fan girls. We became the N’Sync fanatics, the broken-hearted girls when 98 degrees broke up, and the first ones in line for Destiny’s Child tickets. But there was always one star that I’m sure most of us envied more than others. The best voice in the group, Beyoncé stood out in Destiny’s Child and we pretended to hit the same notes only she could. When she outgrew the all-girl group, she moved on to taking over pop music, and eventually, the world. So here are ten reasons why we love Beyoncé , and still envy her 10 years later.
- She’s got the Confidence. She can strut her stuff down stages, runways, and city streets like they were built just for her appearance. Smiling, head up, and ready to take on the day, she looks ready and prepared. Whether she’s in sweats or a couture gown, Beyoncé walks as if she has all the confidence in the world. If she had any insecurity, I guarantee none of us would ever know it. I also know if I had that confidence, I would probably feel like I could run the world too.
- She’s Down to Earth. Whenever you watch an interview with her, do you notice how she’s treating the interviewer like they are her best friend? The sincere answers and conversation she holds with anyone make it look effortless to be in the spotlight 24/7. If you got a chance to catch her recent documentary on HBO, you would notice that she was so casual and normal the entire time. She never lost her cool, and always looked genuinely interested in answering anything asked and ready to let others in to understand her as a person.
- She’s Not Dying Alone. The queen of the music world obviously needs a king, and who better than Hip-Hop’s King, Jay-Z? She let him put a ring on it, took his last name, and is darn proud of it. She supports her man and he’s always right behind her as well. They even created the next most envied child in America, Blue Ivy.
- She Stands Up for Women. Beyoncé has always vocalized her love for being a woman and the pride that comes with it. From writing songs, to visiting schools and talking to girls, she is always ready to help young girls find and follow their dreams. She also donates her closet pieces to charities to be auctioned off to benefit women’s charities and shelters. Beyoncé also donates time and money every year to over twenty charities, many of them being organizations for women.
- She’s classy. Have you ever heard a scandal in the tabloids with Beyoncé name in it? Rarely, if ever, right? By keeping everything she does appropriate, paparazzi are not even a threat because there’s not much to bust her doing.
- She Keeps her Private Life, Private. One reason she’s so classy? She doesn’t tell everyone, everything! Queen B keeps her marriage, daughter, and family drama private. No one can judge her off that and no one can believe rumors because you’ve never heard her back them up. The girl knows how to keep what’s important to her, her own business, and separate work from personal life.
- She Gives Back. As well as supporting women all over the world, she also gives back to where she’s from, her community, and those who supported her on her journey. She also donates to funding music projects for children, disaster relief, and other world organizations.
- She’s Got Style. This is the girl that has never been on the worst dressed list. She can make anything look good from a lace leotard at the SuperBowl, to a crop top football jersey on the front of GQ. She’s the eye candy for men, and the fashion envy of fashion-istas all around the world. She makes sweats look like fashion street wear and work any outfit like it was made for her, even if most of them probably are. She also designs her own line, House of Dereon, with a following crazy to get clothes with her designs on them.
- She Can Rock the No-Makeup Look. Beyoncé loves her natural look, which I bet we all wish we did sometimes. She can throw her ever-changing hair into a bun and get to business, sans-makeup. She’s rarely seen out and about doing normal things, but when she is, she’s not wearing makeup. Natural beauty all the way.
- She is Super Successful, yet Humble. Queen B has taken over the country, and world, by storm. This was her year, ask anyone. She has always had the talent, and after achieving all her personal goals, she’s on to yet another tour. One that she threw her husband’s name on and dubbed, “The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour.” She has made millions and millions, putting her and Jay-Z as one of the countries top earning couples with no sign of slowing down. After singing at President Obama’s inauguration, she performed at the half-time show of the 2013 SuperBowl and blew the lights out, literally. After high applause for her performance, she released a documentary on her life called, “Life is But a Dream,” letting her fans and viewers in on a little bit of her personal life and experiences. But she is still humble, never making herself a target from bragging.