Many people choose to go to college far away from home. Whether your hometown is 2 or 10 hours away, you should always take safety precautions when traveling to and from school. Without the proper preparations, you could end up stranded by yourself or arrive at your destination much later than expected. Here are a few tips from a fellow traveler to help ensure a safe trip:
1) Make sure your car is ready to travel a long distance
Before leaving on your trip, you should check your tires for a flat, and make sure your oil has been changed. You can do this at any place that offers oil changes, or even learn how to do it yourself if you want to save a few bucks. If you choose to go to a professional, they will usually check all your fluid levels and filters to ensure your car is good to go. You should also check the Internet prior to your trip to see if your car has any recalls, so that you can get them fixed for free before you leave.
2) Check the weather, detours, or any travel info for your destination
If you are traveling in the summer, you can usually skip the checking the weather part. You should always check to see if there are any detours on any of the roads you plan to take, so you will be prepared once you reach them. When traveling during the winter, checking the weather is crucial. If the weather is going to be dangerous, you may be better off just staying an extra day and leaving early in the morning. By checking the weather, you will know whether you should keep driving on your trip, or just pull off at the next hotel and stay the night.
3) When traveling alone at night, NEVER stop at the rest stops off of the freeway
Maybe this tip comes from my extreme paranoia or the fact I love watching scary movies, but I never ever stop at the rest stops, off of the freeway, at night when I am traveling alone. If you can hold your pee long enough, I advise to stop off at the exits advertising gas stations and food, instead of pulling off into a deserted rest stop.
By following these basic tips, you have a good chance at arriving to and from your destination safely. You should also have someone, a parent or friend, to call and update him or her on your trip progress every time you stop. If you get stuck somewhere without service, you will be happy that someone will know where you are or be able to send help your way! Safe travels!