If you are like the average college student, you probably have a Facebook
and Twitter account and you most likely use them all the time. Your friends look at
your page and possibly your family members. However, would you want business
professionals looking at them?
There is a website called LinkedIn that is more professional. You can connect
with business professionals, classmates, and professors. It’s a very useful tool to
college students and LinkedIn is also useful after we graduate. If your profile is
easy on the eyes and impressive it could land you a job. You also get the chance to
network with many different people.
The CMU Career Services department plans on hosting LinkedIn lectures
and labs. Students can learn more about LinkedIn and how to manage their profile.
On LinkedIn’s page, it says they have more than 175 million members in over 200
countries and territories.
Joining LinkedIn also provides another perk. When your name is Googled by
someone, your profile will pop up. Allowing this to pop up in search results shows
others your professional side.
Your LinkedIn profile also goes beyond your resume. For instance, your
profile can be as long as you like. You also get the chance to have recommendations
from anyone you chose. Unlike your resume, you only get three references, a cover
page to sell yourself and possibly 1-2 written recommendations. Having a LinkedIn
profile gives you another chance to sell yourself.
Jenna Turman, Career Services graduate intern will be hosting these lectures
and labs on varies dates the first lab will be held on October 23 at 6-7:30pm in
Moore Hall room 314. A lecture will be held November 14th in UC’s Lakeshore Room
at 5:15-6:15pm.