To the man who was there for me when no one else was, thank you.
You came into my life so unexpectedly. I told myself that I was going to stay single through college so I could focus on myself and my career. That changed, but I am completely okay with that.
We were co-workers, that became something more. We would hang out at the park on our days off. I even remember the time you bought me a Rodeo Burger at Burger King to be nice, and I felt so bad because I told you I hate those things.
Things progressed, and we eventually started dating. Then living together, and paying each other’s bills. We know each other like the back of our hands.
In Fall 2017, my life changed a bit. I quit my full-time job to focus on college more. I was struggling in college because I was working too much. I had bills to pay after I quit my job, and you were there to make sure I stayed on my feet. I got a different part-time job to make up for lost money, but you still stayed with me and helped me out. Since my parents couldn’t support me much financially, you were there to help me out when I needed it.
That Fall 2017 semester was a bit difficult for me, class wise. I was taking harder classes, I decided to change my major, and homework was piling up. It was a stressful time, and my depression was getting worse. I did really bad in one of my classes, which made me feel like a failure. I was in a bad place.
But, you were there for me. You tried your best to help me feel better when I thought I had failed. You even tried to help me with that stupid GEO 120QR homework that I couldn’t figure out. You held me when I cried. You didn’t tell me to “get over it”. You helped me seek the help that I needed. You’ve seen good sides of me, and you’ve seen the worst sides of me.
Throughout all of that, you stayed, and I promise to do the same.
Happy Valentine’s Day.