After Spring Break, the school year is winding down with no other breaks or long weekends to give us a little breather. These last few months can feel like forever, especially when summer is on your mind. Fortunately, instead of your parents or professors reminding you to stay focused, James Franco gives us tips on how to hang on and finish strong in the last semester of the school year.
Coming back from Spring Break is a sad time for many after being in tropical destinations and enjoying beach parties. Returning to this cold, snowy reality is tough but is something that we all must deal with. Make sure to relax and know that getting back in the groove will get easier.
As the Spring Break 2K14 withdrawals continue, you get discouraged that you’ll never be able to get back in school mode.
After a week or two of being in your Spring Break state of mind, you’ve finally gotten used to being back to your normal schedule. You try to study hard and keep in mind that there are only two more months of class.
We all know that the stress of school can sometimes be a lot to handle, which is why a night out is sometimes just what you need. Hit the town with your crew to relieve some of that stress.
As the weather finally starts to warm up, you realize that the end of the year is quickly approaching. You have almost made it and now the homestretch begins.
As you start getting study guides for finals you start to panic a little. But after a week of studying hard at the lib, you’re ready to knock out each and every one of those exams.
You’re finally done with exam week, which means you’re school year has officially come to an end. All of the studying paid off when all of your exams were a breeze.
Ending the year strong makes you that much more excited for all of the fun things you have planned for the summer. Although the homestretch of the semester can feel long and painful, studying hard will make it that much easier and have you end on the best note possible to pick back up in the fall.