Central Michigan Universityā€™s Organization Safer Sex Patrol (SSP) strives to educate students and the community about abstinence and ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Ā Senior Alyssa Lombardo is currently the student coordinator and works behind the scenes to make this organization successful. Lombardo says that she is responsible for planning all of SSPā€™s programs and events, contacting community partners and other RSOā€™s for collaboration, and overseeing the groupā€™s 15 student facilitators to make sure that their education programs are being done properly. Ā Lombardo agreed to speak on SSP and how to get involved with the organization.
When was Safer Sex Patrol created?
SSP was founded in 2003, but it did not get its name until late 2011 through the Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center. It was originally founded at GVSU and was then replicated at CMU through a group of students and an advisor.
What does Safer Sex Patrol do?
SSP is devoted to educating the CMU and larger Mt. Pleasant community about safe sex methods and abstinence. Our main goal is to decrease the STI transmission at the CMU community by hosting multiple events a month where students can learn more about STI prevention while also having the access to resources that promote safe sex. This includes both internal and external condoms, dental dams, abstinence candies, and local STI testing resources.
How does one get involved with Safer Sex Patrol and when does the organization meet?
Most volunteers get involved with SSP through Orgsync. Here, students are able to RSVP to various events we hold as a program. In addition, students are also able to request educational programs where we come in and teach a group in a closed meeting. This includes a presentation about how to decrease STI transmission and also involves demonstrations on how to properly use barrier methods. SSP hosts a bar patrol once a month, but we also put on campus patrols, educational programs, and tabling events. SSP usually meets anytime from 3-12 times a month depending on what programs we have planned!
Why do you think sex education is important on a college campus?
People who are ages 15-24 make up only 27% of the sexually active population, yet they account for half of the 20 million STI’s that are newly spread each year. This directly affects the CMU student demographic, and I believe it is important for students to be properly educated on this issue. I also believe that everyone should have access to resources regarding safe sexual health. The fact that SSP can provide this to the CMU community makes a huge difference. As a program, we want students to be able to express themselves, but we just want them to be safe while doing so!
Photo Courtesy of Alyssa Lombardoā€‹