Study Abroad. These are two words you hear often once you begin college. As an underclassmen, you might wonder– what is study abroad? Why do your teachers always mention it? Is it worth it? Why do you see flyers about it in every hall?
Studying abroad is something a college student can do to better themselves and increase their chances of getting a job after graduation. At CMU, students have many opportunities to study abroad and can find out detailed information about the subject in Ronan Hall. Offering 26 countries to choose from, CMU has a study abroad program for everyone. The program I chose to study abroad for Summer 2013 is the Business & Design of European Fashion.
After you decide and get approved, there are many things you should do to prepare.
The first and most important thing you should do is research the culture and etiquette of the host country you are planning to stay in. After researching the program I chose, I found out that France is extremely different than what I was expecting. If you choose to study abroad in France, there are a few things you should be aware of.
One thing most tourists warn fellow travelers about France are the many scams you encounter during your visit. Two popular French scams you can count on witnessing are the gold ring scam and the deaf children scam.
In the gold ring scam, a seemingly random person will find a gold coin on the ground and insist you take it. After you take it, the same person will come up to you a few minutes later asking for money. Travelers who have witnessed this scam say that since you have accepted their gold ring, you feel obligated to give them money. Though the next scam is less harmful, the deaf children scam relies on tourist’s guilt to make money. In this scam, a group of seemingly deaf children will approach you with clipboards. These clipboards ask for your signature and that you provide a small donation. Once you open your wallet, the group will most likely pounce on you and steal everything out of your wallet, or perhaps your wallet all together.
Even though France is a beautiful country, and somewhere you can rely on to gain valuable international experience, you should be aware and research all of the scams you may encounter in the country. Be prepared and informed on how to keep yourself safe while studying abroad in France!