Spring break is over and believe it or not, summer is coming. And fast. Time to panic about getting your summer body and frantically scrolling through Pinterest looking for exercises that promise you a bikini body for just ten minutes every day. Just kidding (but you know you’ve done it, don’t lie).
If this sounds like you and you’re stressed about summer approaching and looking healthy and happy, check out these helpful tips and tricks to stay on track this summer.
1. Focus on your tummy
So let’s start with talking about our tummy. For most women, one of the hardest areas to target and tone is the stomach. Let me tell you something right now: you can do as many crunches as you would like but if you’re diet isn’t great and you’re body isn’t getting fed key nutrients and you’re not going to get results as fast if you workout more and still eat junk food. Try to avoid salty foods or anything that could possibly make you feel bloated. Abs are made in the kitchen but clean eating is hard can be hard. Don’t punish yourself and never have a cheat meal–go ahead, have some chocolate! But just remember; everything in moderation. Here are some great ab exercises worth trying in addition to switching up your diet: russian twists, heel touches and side crunches.
2. Butt exercises
We all know that this was going to be touched on sooner or later (after all it is 2017). You can’t ignore the media’s obsession with butts these days, blame Nicki Minaj if you want. But if one of your main goals is to tone your booty, you should try exercises that isolate the glute muscles. Some great ones to try are donkey kicks, fire hydrants and lunges!Â
3. Your diet
You can still go out to eat if you are on a diet or trying to eat clean, just order a side salad instead of fries (or sweet potato fries if they have those). Little changes are still changes and you will feel better about yourself when you start to see results from doing just this. Another tip is to make sure that you’re staying hydrated enough to clean out your body and flush out any toxins. This may sound obvious, but it’s a little easier said than done. The average person should drink half of their weight in ounces of water a day.
Fueling pre workout and Refueling post workout is also super important. If you’re trying to gain muscle then your new mantra should be: protein, protein, protein. Again, always make sure that you’re drinking enough water.
4. Keep a positive attitude
Let’s face it. We all have those days where we just feel blah and like nothing fits us right. How many of us have spent ten minutes just poking and prodding at our bodies looking in the mirror thinking “what if I could change this? Why do my arms look like that? Is my butt big enough?” Now, I could give you the whole all bodies are beautiful crap but we’ve heard it so many times that I get it if this phrase pisses you off. But there is some truth in it. Believe it or not, everybody has insecurities. EVERYBODY. Yes, that even includes the fitness models who you shamelessly stalk weekly on Instagram.
The power of a positive attitude will take you far in achieving any goal that you set for yourself. The mind over matter mindset very true.
Making changes can be hard but they don’t have to be this year as you’re getting ready for summer.  Whether you’re changing your diet or starting to work out more, it’s the little things that count.  But above all remember to feel confident in your own skin this season because you are all you’ve got!Â