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7 Ways to Overcome Gymtimidation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

For those of you who haven’t heard the word “gymtimidation” before, it means exactly what it sounds like: “being intimidated by going to the gym.” It can be daunting and really intimidating to start going to the gym or getting on a workout schedule that’s realistic.  But, here are seven easy tips to follow to make you feel a little bit better about hitting the gym the first time this semester.

1. Bring a friend

It’s easy to get yourself a gym buddy to help motivate and push you to achieve your goals while getting your sweat on.  And it makes working out a little more fun.  Ask your friends, sorority sisters or campus organization members to join you and start motivating each other. 

2. Don’t be afraid to ask the employees for help

It’s their job to be there if you need any help with the equipment! You can even ask about signing up for a personal trainer so they can help you with your workouts too. 

3. Take a class

You might be a bit apprehensive about this but it’s much more fun to work out with a large group of people if you are afraid or nervous to hit the gym (especially the free weights section) on your own. Work up to it! From zumba to yoga to pilates there are so many options to choose from. If the treadmill isn’t your thing then this is a great alternative!

4. Practice makes perfect

Just remember that everybody is there to better themselves. Nobody is going to be staring at you or thinking you look dumb doing squats.  They won’t be saying “ew her hair looks like it hasn’t been washed in days” when you’re sweating profusely. Have some confidence and just focus on you! Don’t worry about the way you look, you’re going to sweat–but that’s exactly why you’re there! 

5. Get on a schedule

This one is a little tricky. Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to get out of bed or off the couch and go workout. But I promise once you get up and go, your endorphins will start to kick in and you won’t regret it!

6. Buy a cute new outfit

I know that this sounds silly, but who doesn’t love an excuse to show off their new Lululemon leggings and matching sports bra? Instant mood and confidence booster! You know what they say; when you look good, you feel good too (and you want to feel good while you’re working out).

7. Find inspiration

Social media is great for this one! There are so many fitness accounts on Youtube and Instagram that are chalk full of workout tips and tricks that really come in handy. 

Working out can be hard and being consistant with workouts can be even harder.  Don’t worry, you too can do it!  Get the iron pumping, collegiettes!