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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

And if the world was ending

Would you climb up to the roof with me

One last time,

Like when we were kids

And they told us to get down

Because they were afraid 

we were going to fall

But we didn’t.


And if the world was ending

Would you forget the fights that we had

Because they were petty

And pointless.

And what if we could rekindle our friendship,

A flame that never withered.

Until it did. 

And the light went out.


And if the world was ending

Would you hold my hand?

Something so simple, yet so comforting

A sign that we are going to be okay

Like we had not a care in the world

Like when it wasn’t hard

But easy.


And if the world was ending

Would you come over

Just one more time.

To share a moment with the lights low

To talk about the good times

And the nostalgia from when 

It was just better.


And if the world was ending

Would you kiss me

Like there was no tomorrow?

As if I was the last

Face that you’d ever see.

Would you 

Share that breath with me?

Could I be your last?


And if the world was ending

Would we go to sleep together,

One last time.

Share the bed.

And if we could wake

The next morning,

Is it me who you want beside you?


And if the world was ending

Would you take your regrets,

Would you go back,

Would you apologize,

And change,

And make it better?

Would you want to fix this…

If the world was ending?


Maybe I would.


Hey y'all! I moved to Charleston from a little town in New Jersey, and before you go "NeW JoYsEE", no. I don't talk like that. I have a sense of humor and I am very open about myself; you can live my life by reading what I write. I love long walks on the beach, coffee all day long, poetry, photography, and a whole lot more. Thank you so much for coming to my page. I really hope my writing speaks to you, helps you, or just makes you laugh. (: