With her new look, Kylie Jenner has been in the media a lot lately. Most of what has been said about her, however, has been criticizing or mocking her new look and calling her fake in the process. While not all of her recent behavior is easy to swallow, i.e. dating someone nearly ten years her age, as women it’s not fair for us to have such harsh criticisms for someone who is only seventeen years old and is simply experimenting with her look, her self, and her life. Instead of simply bashing someone for a few extreme changes in her appearance, we should realize that it’s her decision and leave it at that. To make up for all the hate she’s received in the media lately, here are five reasons we still love Kylie Jenner:
1. She loves her family.
“My best friend, my heart, my brother”
If you watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians at all, which everyone should by the way, you see just how often they all argue. It’s a lot, just for the record. But through all of the arguments and the trash talking, she’s always ready to remind her family just how much they mean to her.
2. She rocks the hair colors we always wanted to try, but couldn’t when we were seventeen.
There isn’t one girl I know who hasn’t, at one point in her adolescence, strongly considered getting teal highlights or bleaching her hair. Unfortunately our mother’s quickly crushed that dream, but we can still live vicariously through Kylie’s crazy hair.
3. She makes fun of her siblings just as much as we do.
Because how else would our siblings remember all of the times they messed up and looked stupid??
4. Â She makes fun of herself, too.
Kylie’s selfie game is on point as you can see in nearly any Instagram picture she posts. She knows how to look fierce. That being said, she’s not afraid to poke fun at herself when given the prime opportunity.
5. Â She has a positive message behind her new look.
While many people think her look is too much, we should look at this as a way to teach girls that if you feel confident in your look, it really shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Rock the ridiculously large lips, wear the daring outfit, stand out the way you want to, or blend in if that makes you feel more comfortable. Even get the surgery if that’s what you really want. So much pressure is put on women to look good in other people’s eyes. We are told not to cut our hair too short because guys don’t like short hair on girls, or not to get a tattoo because future employers won’t like it, but the only person whose approval we need is our own (and sometimes our mother’s). Â
Photo Creds: Instagram @Kylizzle || Twitter: @KylieJenner