Last month, Joe Biden became the 46th President of The United States, signifying the end of Trump’s America. Now, more hopeful than ever, I sit here and reflect on the day the election results were announced. Y’all know the day I’m talking about. The day the entire world celebrated together. The day every city street in America was flooded with people dancing and singing. That day will, no doubt, be featured in every history book to come. My grandkids will ask me about that day and with tears in my eyes, I’ll tell them the story of the day hope in our nation was restored. Maybe I’ll even read them this little poem. And, yes, it rhymes; I think poetry is more fun that way.
“Finally America”
There was a day in November that was unlike the rest.
No violence, no riots, no single protest.
Dancing erupted and people were full of joy,
For evil had been defeated and the glass ceiling destroyed.
But it wasn’t just state-side this celebration occurred,
From country to country commotion could be heard.
This historic day meant more than anyone could know.
It was the end of a tyrant, which meant the nation could grow.
We had been living in civil unrest.
Injustice was the norm and minorities were oppressed,
But on this day everything was perfect.
No violence, no riots, no single protest.
People came together to rejoice and more.
Cities roared louder than ever before.
Though, it was more than just a new day,
It was a new era, a new beginning, a better way.
History had been made and hope was restored.
This is the country we had all once adored.
United we stand, divided we fall.
The people had risen and America stood tall.