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Motivation for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

We all know the drill. You spend New Year’s Eve thinking of illustrious resolutions and post an obligatory “New Year, New Me” selfie on Instagram on January 1st. But then January drags on and you go back to school, and––ta da!––classes have magically turned you into a human ball of stress on the very first day. All of the sudden your vow to get eight hours of sleep every night is downright unrealistic and you want to skip over the salad bar and straight to the dessert at the dining hall. Fear not! Here are 6 sources of motivation to keep you on track in 2016. 


1. Think Ahead

Whether you have a big or small resolution, it’s important to think about the positive effects this change could have on your life. If you’re tempted to skip the gym, imagine how accomplished you would feel after running a 5k on the treadmill. Plus, what post-workout ritual sounds better than eating at the new Panera on Calhoun Street??


2. Look for Inspiration

Pinterest is a life-saver. Inspirational quotes abound! Song lyrics! Poetry! Wise words from Winnie the Pooh himself!


3. Ask Friends and Family to Join You

Deciding on a common resolution between a group of friends makes accomplishing it infinitely easier. Challenge your friends to stop drinking coffee or resolve to eat out less. This way, you have someone to hold you accountable and to vent to when you feel like giving up.


4. Remove Distractions

Want to read more in 2016? Dedicate a certain amount of time each day to doing just that, without a laptop, phone or homework in your way. You’ll be surprised how much easier it is to be productive without your phone buzzing every five minutes or homework taunting you relentlessly.


5. Plan Ahead

Being more organized is always helpful, no matter what you’ve decided to change this year. Having a planner for school, friends, and extra curriculars will allow you to see how much time you have left in the week to get back into drawing, reading or writing letters to friends and family. 


6. Reward Yourself

Just by recognizing that you want to change and improve something about your life is an accomplishment. Don’t be too hard on yourself and make sure to take the time to recognize what you are doing well in 2016.


Here’s to you, collegiettes!  Good luck on your resolutions!

I'm a senior English major with a concentration in Creative Writing at CofC originally from Boston. I'm also a member of the Honors College, Literati, and HSA here at the College. I love libraries, Target, and exploring; and I am way too emotionally invested in fictional characters. I'm currently leaving the love of my life (the ocean) behind to study abroad in London for the semester.