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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

This summer, I am going to see Harry Styles in concert with my friend, Caroline. In honor of that, here are my top five favorite songs from his two albums, Harry Styles and Fine Line. These picks were really difficult to choose because, let’s be honest, all of his songs SLAP.

#5: Sign of the Times

Harry’s voice is so deep, soulful, and raspy and the song absolutely captures a gospel essence. Although this song is a favorite of mine, it has been severely overplayed on the radio, keeping it at number five on the list.

Quote: “Just stop your crying/ have the time of your life”.

#4: Adore You

“Adore You” holds the number four spot. The song comes from Mr. Styles’ latest album, Fine Line. It is so catchy, has a great rhythm, and the music video with the fish is really unique. The song is very upbeat and stands apart from some of Harry’s more serious ballads.

Quote: “Honey, I’d walk through fire for you/ Just let me adore you”.

#3: From the Dining Table

I selected “From the Dining Table” for the number three spot on my list. The song, although sad, is so mellow. It is so raw and emotional and features a smooth acoustic guitar and spectacular harmonies. Harry Styles with those high notes!!!!

Quote: “Even my phone misses your call/ by the way”.


#2: Kiwi

This song had no right to go so hard. It has been one of my favorite songs ever since it came out in 2017. It carries some intense rock n’ roll vibes and can we taLK ABOUT HARRY SCREAMING PLEASE?

“It’s driving me crazy”…see what I did there?

Quote: “It’s New York, baby, always jacked up/ Holland Tunnel for a nose, always backed up”.


#1: She

 And for my number one spot, I have “She”. This song just hits different. “She” is slow, and sexy, and oh-so-heavy. The moaning guitar solo completely makes the song. I could listen to this one on repeat for hours. After you are done reading this, please go listen to all of these songs… ESPECIALLY this one.

Quote: “She lives in daydreams with me”.


Two songs that didn’t quite make the list but still MUST be appreciated are “Watermelon Sugar” and “Girl Crush”.

“Watermelon Sugar” is an awesome song with a great beat. It reminds me of summertime, freedom, and that fresh feeling. It didn’t make the top five list because it is even more overplayed than Sign of the Times.

“Girl Crush” did not make the list because it is technically not a Harry Styles song, although his version is absolutely beautiful. “Girl Crush” is originally sung by the band Little Big Town. Their version is ALSO incredible.


A HUGE thank you to Harry Styles for these masterpieces!


Now please go look ’em up and have a listen to these bangers.

Hey y'all! I moved to Charleston from a little town in New Jersey, and before you go "NeW JoYsEE", no. I don't talk like that. I have a sense of humor and I am very open about myself; you can live my life by reading what I write. I love long walks on the beach, coffee all day long, poetry, photography, and a whole lot more. Thank you so much for coming to my page. I really hope my writing speaks to you, helps you, or just makes you laugh. (: