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Career > Her20s

The Pressure to Have Fun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

Today I am going to talk about something everyone feels but no one talks about. The pressure to have “the most fun” in college. Everyone says “college is the best part of your life” and that puts a lot of pressure on 18 – 21 year olds to really live it up because apparently it only goes downhill from here. The hard part is that it’s really hard to have fun in college when you feel like other people are having more fun than you are. These people are really living it up and making the best memories of their life and you’re just having a good time? That’s not gonna cut it when you’re 80 and reminiscing about the good old days. These thoughts can lead to a spiral of feeling like you’re never having enough fun, but this isn’t true. Here’s some tips to push past the pressure of having fun in college.

  1. Remember that everyone feels this way 
    1. Even though no one talks about it, everyone in college feels this way. Everyone feels like they can’t have the most fun possible while also learning to grow up and be an adult. A lot of times it feels like you have to pick whether to be responsible and grow up or have the time of your life. This is not true because growing up is fun and that is something that everyone has to learn in their own way
  2. Social media is fake 
    1. All the “fun” you are seeing other people have are selected, posed moments to make it seem like they are having more fun than you. In reality if everyone was honest on social media every post would just be a selfie in our room or with our select 3-4 friends. 
  3. Change up your schedule
    1. Doing the same thing every night is going to lose its appeal. Whether this is partying or sitting at home every night. Try to change up your schedule so the”fun” activities become more fun since you are not doing them every single day.
Emily Coker

C of C '25

My name is Emily Coker and my passion is photography as well as social media networking. I love nature and inspiring others to embrace their natural beauty. My vibes are boho with a spice of material girl on random days.