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Top 3 Lip Balms to Use for the Upcoming Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

I am physically incapable of going anywhere without some type of lip balm. I dislike the feeling of chapped lips and have even been known to carry around a tub of Vaseline when I cannot find my lip balm. It is also extremely hard for me to keep track of my lip balm, meaning I am always in the market for a new one. 

Charleston air does not tend to get too dry, but with the holiday season approaching, many of us are traveling back home to cooler temperatures. Here are some of my top recommendations to keep your lips in great shape.

1. Carmex

Now first off, I am a tried and true Carmex girl. I love the tingling sensation that I get after using Carmex. Carmex, a medicated lip balm is known for its ability to relieve pain while restoring your lips to their former glory. I am rarely seen without my tube of Carmex and if I am, then I am in the process of hunting it down!

2. Vaseline/Aquaphor

I am a firm believer that Vaseline and Aquaphor are holy grails and can fix just about anything. In the wintertime, my mother used to put Vaseline on my knuckles when they would begin to crack and bleed from the cold. Mothers know best and therefore I am always stocked in Vaseline and will continue to use it. 

3. Burt’s Bees

Now, because I am extremely stuck in my ways, I have been reluctant to buy Burt’s Bees (partly because my boyfriend claims Burt’s Bees is the best and he cannot know lip balm better than me, right?). If Carmex and Vaseline can do the trick, what more do I need? After some quick research, I have discovered that Burt’s Bees is in fact a valid contender. Burt’s Bees contains Vitamin E (moisturizing and reduces signs of aging – score!), beeswax, and peppermint oil; nothing in their lip balm is harmful.

I am a sophomore at the College of Charleston planning on majoring in Communication and minoring in Spanish. In my free time, I enjoy reading and going on long walks.