Every school has them – the class clowns, the beautiful smiles and the contagious laughs (aka cuties), but not every school has a Joey Rettino, which is why we chose him to be our first campus cutie!
Name: Joey Rettino
Hometown: Randolph, N.J.
Relationship status: Taken! 1,000 times 1,000% by my girlfriend Michelle.
Major: Digital Communication and Social Media
Year: Senior
Activities: Former Managing Editor of Loquitur, the school paper; orientation leader, member of Society for Collegiate Journalists
Favorite Sport: “If I was going to play a sport it would be lacrosse because that’s the only sport I’m remotely good at but I still suck, but I love to watch football.”
Favorite Food: Chicken Parmesan
Favorite word: “Seemingly”
Since you are a senior what has been the most rewarding experience at Cabrini thus far?
“At the end of a year-long experience working with a team we went to a professor’s house for a barbeque and I got to see everyone together, relaxed and relieved that their job was done, but [..]happy with what they created.”
What is your favorite place on campus?
“It’s going to sound weird but the Peace Pole, because I’ve had two conversations there that have changed friendships for me and it was really awesome.”
If you could go anywhere in the world for a date where would it be and why?
“I want to spend time on whatever boat the singer Aaliyah was on when she filmed the video for ‘Rock the Boat.’ Wherever she was, was the most beautiful place in the world.”
If you could be any animal what would it be and why?
“I would be a Labrador Retriever because all they want to do is be friends. I just wish I could be like, ‘Hey let’s be friends, hey let’s be friends!’ because that is all that is going through their heads.”
What’s something about you that most people don’t know?
“I think that music is not that great sometimes, so when I have time I put my own spin on it and create my own mixes. So basically hire me as your DJ. Bar Mitzvahs, weddings, sweet 16’s, etc.”
What’s something everyone knows about you?
“I hope people know that I cherish the relationships I have with others.”
Describe yourself in 3 words.
“Caring, memorable and curious.”
Do you have a motto that you live by?
“Life is good…no matter what you say, life is always good.”
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
“I’d like to have a job that I am comfortable and happy in. Maybe be at the peak of my career—that would be awesome. I’d also like to have a kid and a family. Cliché but that’s really it.”