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A Collegiette’s Guide To Getting Through the Rest of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cabrini chapter.

It’s halfway through the first semester and you just want it to be Thanksgiving break. Believe us, we understand! Here are a few tips to make the rest of your semester a little bit easier:

First, it all starts with your health. If you aren’t taking care of yourself then you will get sick. Try spending some time relaxing, reading and doing what you love the most. Spend just 45 minutes a day solely focused on whatever it is that you enjoy the most.

Make sure to hit the gym. As much as staying in bed after a crazy, hectic week sounds way more appealing, remember that a body in motion stays in motion and you will feel more motivated if you do just 30 minutes of cardio.

It’s okay to have some fun. Whether you grab some drinks with the gang or you just want to relax with a good Nicholas Sparks movie and a bowl of popcorn with your best friend, it’s important to have fun. You wouldn’t want to look back in ten years and think, “What did I even do in college?”

Be organized. Color coordinate your planner, keep a “to-do list” or set reminders on your phone – whatever will keep you on top of your work.

Lastly, remember that these are some of the best times of the year. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, then winter break. Use that excitement to just finish strong. You’ve got this!

Mackenzie is a senior digital communication and social media major with a minor in social justice at Cabrini College in Radnor, Pa and is the Co-Correspondent for Cabrini's HerCampus chapter. She loves spending time and talking to people around her, traveling, writing poetry and painting. Mackenzie is a fitness enthusiast, animal lover and hopes to one day create her own non-profit for vulnerable children. When she isn't running around all over campus or working at any of her three jobs, you can usually find her anywhere there is food. To read more about her visit here: https://mackenzieromaineharris.wordpress.com/
Erica is a senior at Cabrini College, majoring in communication with a minor in Spanish and is a Campus Correspondent of Her Campus' Cabrini chapter. She loves writing and hopes to make a career of it one day. Despite being a commuter, you can most often find her in her second home: the newsroom. In her free time, you can find her catching up on the latest episode of "Pretty Little Liars" or "The Bachelor," writing about trending and entertainment topics, as well as obsessing over the latest news from Imagine Dragons.