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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Hey collegiettes! It’s almost time for summer and that means we will have more free time to do activities. Here is a list of things you can do!


1. Go to your local zoo.


2. Go to a waterpark.


3. Go to an amusement park.


4. Go mini-golfing.


5. Go bowling.


6. Make a trip to the beach.


7. Go to the Santa Monica Pier.


8. Go to a National Park.


9. Go to a concert.


10. Go on a road trip.



Make the most of your summer before we have to come back in the fall!

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Andrea Whisler

Cal Lutheran

I am currently a Senior at California Lutheran University and my major is Business Administration with an emphasis in Management and my minor is Communications. I have a passion for all writing, sports, puppies, and food.
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