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15 Puppy gifs that Prove We CAN Survive Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Sometimes stumbling through finals can feel like a never-ending walk in the desert, but here are a few puppy gifs that prove we CAN do this, and we WILL survive finals.


1. At least we can sit up.


2. And we know that cardboard is not a legititmate food source.


3. Is the room spinning, or….okay, it’s the puppies. We’re fine.


4. Bet you weren’t expecting his tounge to be THAT long! And I bet you aren’t expecting an A on that Bio final either! Anything is possible.


5. Come on, these dogs can walk on a treadmill...


6.  And gravity is still here, right?


7. At least your face doesn’t look like this:



8. If you haven’t tried to dig a tunnel to China from inside your bathtub, I’m going to guess you’re still sane.


9.  This husky is definitely confused by the magical cup noise, but you understand the magical cup noise. LOOK HOW SMART YOU ARE!


10.  At least you’re not belly flopping into a cold lake for an arbitrary ball.


11. This dog is PROBABLY more insane than you.


12. At least you’re not stuck in the back seat of a car.


13. If that golden retriever can wait his turn, you can wait for summer.


14. At least we know that happiness extends beyond milky bath water and rubber ducks.


15. If this puppy has the self control to not devour those treats, then you can make it through finals.


So now that you’ve successfully procrastianted five minutes of your study time, GET BACK ON TRACK! If these puppies can do it, so can you.

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Rachael Balcom

Cal Lutheran

Rachael is a Cal Lutheran junior and communication major also following the premed track. Originally from San Diego, she enjoys juggling, well-buttered popcorn, and writing about unpopular opinions.
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