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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Before this weekend, I had never been to Las Vegas, unlike most people I know. Granted, there are a lot of places I have not been to yet, but most people have been at least one time. More surprisingly, my mom had also never been to Vegas, so we were both experiencing it for the first time. I always hear that it is such a fun place to go, and it is always the go-to for bachelor/bachelorette parties, but I have to say I was super disappointed and expecting much more from Las Vegas. 

To start, I am not someone who does well in crowded areas that are full of smoke, which describes almost every part of the Strip whether you are in a casino or just out on the street. For me, there were too many people to enjoy myself, especially as it got to be later in the day. Because I was there with my family, I did not do the same kinds of things that I might do if I were to go on a girls trip, which possibly made it less enjoyable since it limited the types of activities I could do. Overall, a few of the hotels are really nice, but the Strip is generally not a great place to be in my opinion. 

Cynthia Nixon as “Miranda Hobbes,” Sarah Jessica Parker as “Carrie Bradshaw,” Kristin Davis as “Charlotte York.”

This realization made me wonder why everyone loves going to Vegas. Am I really the only one who cannot stand it? I keep feeling like there has to be some major conspiracy going on because I just do not see the appeal. After spending a couple of days there, I at least got more comfortable with the area, and I felt a little safer and felt as though I could navigate it a little better, but I still did not like it the way everyone was telling me I would. I think everyone loves what Vegas represents, which is a way to escape from our everyday lives and have some fun. We have this idea so ingrained in us that we will it into existence, so we think Vegas is so great when really, we are just having fun with our friends. 

Anna Henson

Cal Lutheran '23

Hi! My name is Anna Henson and I am a junior history pedagogy major at California Lutheran University. I love all types of writing including research for my major and fun opinion articles! I am pursuing a teaching credential to help students develop their writing and thinking skills to express themselves clearly and creatively. I also love iced coffee, Tiktok, and the color pink!