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Introducing a New Series: Reality Check

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Hey there collegiettes!

Her Campus Cal Lutheran is going to be starting a new series called Reality Check to keep college students like you informed about things like current events, social issues, and politics. A bit of backstory:

A few years ago, I realized that I didn’t know anything about the world around me. Yes, there is a civil war going on in Somalia, but, um…why? American elections involve primaries and the electoral college and something called caucuses? I think? Our oil is controlled by OPEC, and they do…something? And determine gas prices…how?

It frustrated me that I didn’t know any of this. I should be aware of what’s happening in the world I live in! So, I started researching. And researching. And researching more. As it turns out, you can’t just get a summary of global events. The first thing I wanted to learn about was the war in the Middle East. I began by reading an article that was clearly written for an audience that already knew all about the wars. So I read another article to try and understand the original one, but this just left me feeling more confused and with even more things I needed to look up, and down the rabbit hole I went. Between my classes, my job, and my social life, it took me weeks of CNN timelines, ABC news articles, and three documentaries before I actually felt like I understood what was happening. Where were the articles for young adults who don’t already know what’s happening? Why weren’t there any articles for beginners?

That’s where Reality Check comes in. My amazing co-writer Rebecca Austin and I will do the research for you and write articles on current events and issues from the perspective of college students. And the best part? These articles will be written for college students! Check back with Her Campus Cal Lutheran every other week for information to help you become involved in the issues of today.  


Bri Chase

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Bri Chase

Cal Lutheran

Bri is a sophmore at California Lutheran University. She is a sociology major and Spanish minor, and she is planning on becoming is Special Education teacher. In her free time she enjoys re-reading the Harry Potter series, adding to her unhealthy obsession with Disney, and procrastinating on any real work.
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