I have been obsessed with Pride and Prejudice for as long as I can remember. I love everything about it; the romance, the dresses, the historical time period, the witty humor, the endless dancing…. EVERYTHING. Here is a list of shows and movies if you’re looking to get your P&P fix!
Pride and Prejudice (1995) : You have not truly seen Pride and Prejudice until you have seen this mini series. Watch it now!! What are you doing with your life? Why haven’t you seen this brilliant masterpiece?!?!
North and South: A more serious, but beautiful Pride and Prejudice love story. If you love a strong female lead, a powerful score , and a swoon worthy romance, then this show is for you…. And that train scene at the end?.. Perfection.
Austenland: Okay, so this one isn’t a period peice, but it is totally worth putting on the list. Kerri Russel is the perfect Jane Austen fangirl. This movie is hilarious, cute, and just plain fun.
War and Peace: This mini series is a classic. The acting, costumes, story, and sets all come together to create a perfect work of art.
That wraps up my list! If you love Pride and Prejudice these are a must see. Which one is your favorite? Happy watching!