It’s the most dreaded noise you can imagine: your alarm. It rings through your ears as you slowly open your eyes and wake up. Another morning, another 8 a.m. class. When you walk into class, there’s a variety of people. Some morning people, some not-so-morning-people, and everyone else in between. Which one are you?
1. Jitter Bug: This is the person that is just way too peppy for an 8 a.m. class. He or she is usually insanely hyper, bouncing off the walls and blabbering away. This person may have had 12 hours of sleep, or two–you’ll really never know. What you do know is that they need to take it down a notch, or suffer the consequences of your glare. This is not an Avicii concert.
2. Still Alive but Barely Breathing: This is the person that definitely didn’t get any sleep last night, and you’re not even sure how he or she managed to get to class without bumping into a pole. They can barely keep their eyes open and are obviously struggling to stay awake. Sometimes this student might even bring a pillow to class. At least he or she won’t fight you for a good seat.
3. Fashion Model: This is the girl who definitely woke up two hours ahead of time to curl her hair, put on a full face of makeup, and pick out her best outfit. Meanwhile, you’re sitting here looking like a potato (at least that’s what I look like).
4. Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That: Aaaand the opposite type. This student knows what’s important, and that’s sleep. They probably woke up 15 minutes before class started, hopped out of bed, and walked to class. Who cares if this person is in their pajamas; It looks pretty comfy to me. Benefits of this outfit? Right after class, you can just jump right back into bed.
5. Coffee Runner: Class starts in 5, so you’ve got time for Starbucks, right? Uh, not with the Cal Poly lines… This is the person that comes late to lecture with coffee in hand. Everyone stares with envy as he or she waltzes in, because they too wish they could have a little caffeine in their systems as the professor drones on and on. If only this student had been nice enough to pick up Ventis for the whole class.