Fulfilling Your Heart’s Needs
Yes ladies, it’s finally true. This isn’t coming from your tipsy aunt who lives life by the drop. This is Her Campus telling you that finally alcohol is the answer! Results from a recent study published in the British Medical Journal show that those who drink alcohol in moderation are up to 25 percent less prone to heart disease (which kills approximately 1 million Americans each year) over those who drink no alcohol, according to an online women’s health magazine Fitbe.
Stay Sharp
This isn’t an excuse to bring out the good ol’ canteen of who knows what during class. I can hear the “awwws” muttered under your breaths. But wait ladies! Bring it out at home, and better yet with a few others! Women’s Health says several studies found that consuming a drink per day decreased the threat of cognitive decline. Also, other research found that light-to-moderate drinking reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia, according to Sam Zahkari, Ph.D., the former director of the Division of Metabolism and Health Effects at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and now the senior vice president of the Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.
Slim Down with a Round
It is believed that women who drink moderately versus heavily or not at all have gained less weight over extended time. Experts believe that the bodies of long-term moderate drinkers metabolize alcohol differently than women with say five or zero drinks in their hands.
“Have I Ever Told You I Love YOU?!”
The above slur is something at least all of us have slurred after a few drinks. Ever scrolled through Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or Tumblr and read the quote: “If girls always treated each other like we do when we’re drunk in the girl’s bathroom then the world would be a much happier place.” This is all too true. Thank you Tumblr for your wise words of wisdom.
It Protects Your Skin
According to Cosmopolitan, Spanish researchers have discovered that a compound in red wine called flavonoids can help prevent skin damage in the sun. However, keep up on the SPF and we’ll make sure to drink enough for both of us.
Longer Life
A friend recently asked her 100 year-old grandpa what his secret to such a long life is. He replied by saying, “Pomegranates and booze.” Grandpa has a point. A Harvard Medical study says that wine drinkers have lower mortality rates.
Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
We can use all aspects of our beloved wine. Discover your inner artist by using your empty alcohol bottles for D.I.Y. projects. In fact, Pinterest boards exist solely devoted for empty wine bottle art!